Friends of CTBT gather for 11th biennial meeting

The 11th meeting of the Friends of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) took place on 24 September 2024 on the margins of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at UN headquarters in New York. 

Penny Wong, Foreign Minister of Australia, served as chair and convened the gathering with a stark reminder of why the meeting was necessary and urgent. 

"We are all here because we understand the danger that nuclear weapons pose to us all. We are here because we don’t want future generations to face the same risk and threat that we know too well and that we have seen the devastating force of in history."

Ms Penny Wong, Foreign Minister of Australia, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Dr Robert Floyd, CTBTO Executive Secretary, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

CTBTO Executive Secretary Robert Floyd, expressed gratitude to the ‘Friends’ for their unwavering support and emphasised the success of the CTBT and the urgent need for its entry into force in today’s challenging climate.

“The CTBT is smart, fair, and transparent. As a result, more countries are signing and ratifying and we now have 187 signatories and 178 ratifications.  We need a last big push to press the case for this vital contribution to international peace and security, the entry into force of the CTBT.”

Ms Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, addresses the meeting

Mr Justin Tkatchenko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Papua New Guinea, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Following his remarks, representatives from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Germany, Canada, The Netherlands, Finland, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Norway delivered statements recognizing the Treaty’s contributions to advancing a world free of nuclear tests and calling for its entry into force. Their participation demonstrated a strong, unified commitment to the CTBT’s objectives.

This year’s meeting built on the momentum from the 10th Friends of the CTBT meeting in 2022, with ratifications rising from 174 to 178, bringing the CTBT closer to universal support.

Mr Tobias Lindner, Minister of State of Germany, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Mr David Angell, Political Director and Assistant Deputy Minister of Canada, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Founded in 2002 by Japan, Australia, and the Netherlands, the Friends of the CTBT convenes a high-level ministerial meeting every two years. The purpose of these meetings is to sustain and generate political momentum and public attention for the Treaty’s entry into force.

This gathering takes place in the years between the Article XIV Conferences, during which ministers adopt and sign a joint statement urging states that have not yet done so to sign and ratify the Treaty. The conference is open to all ratifying states, with States Signatories and non-signatories participating as observers.

Mr Marcel de Vink, Vice Foreign Minister of The Netherlands, addresses the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Ms Outi Holopainen, Undersecretary of State for Foreign and Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, addresses the meeting.

Over the past 22 years, the Friends of the CTBT group has played a vital role in advancing the goals of the Treaty through its advocacy and voluntary contributions to the CTBTO. 

The next ministerial meeting is scheduled for 2026.

For more information on Ministerial Meetings click here.

Addressing the meeting, Ms Penny Wong, Foreign Minister of Australia

Addressing the meeting, Dr Robert Floyd, CTBTO Executive Secretary

Addressing the meeting, Mr Kimitake Nakamura, Director-General of Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Addressing the meeting, Mr Tri Tharyat, Director General for Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia

Addressing the meeting, Mr Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations

Addressing the meeting, Tor Henrik Andersen, Minister Counsellor of Norway

Flickr Album: 11th Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

11th Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT