Competitive Process Awards
Competitive Process Awards funded by the European Union 2022-2024

RFP No. 2024-0148/JIBRIL: Provision of Development and Maintenance of the Web-connected Graphics Engine (Web-Grape) - Artal (France)
RFP No. 2024-0144/McNEILL: Replacement Vehicle for IS19, Djibouti - STCD Motors (Djibouti)
RFP No. 2024-0142/McNEILL: Replacement Vehicle for IS02, Argentina - Automotores Tierra del Fuego SAC, Argentina
RFP No. 2024-0141/McNEILL: IS35/I35NA, Namibia: Replacement of station vehicle - Indongo Auto (Pty) Ltd, Namibia
RFP No. 2024-0140/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance Services - NordStack, Ltd. (UK)
RFQ No. 2024-0134/JIBRIL: Provision of XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra XOA Premium license and VMS Enterprise level Support for 5 years - Vates, France
RFP No. 2024-0123/MAEDA: Supply and Delivery of Prefabricated Wind Noise Reduction Systems, Equipment Vaults, Accessories and related Services on a Call-Off Basis - Enviroearth SAS, France
ITB No. 2024-0118/McNEILL: Supply and delivery of official CTBTO vehicles (Lot 1 and 2) - Mercedes-Benz Oesterreich GmbH, Austria (Merbag)
RFP No. 2024-0119/JIBRIL: Provision of Maintenance and Enhancements of the Identity Management and WEB Single Sign-On Platform for the CTBTO - Ventum Digital Identity Services GmbH (Austria)
RFP No. 2024-0117/SANZ: Ground Transportation Services on a Call-off basis for the On-Site Inspection Integrated Field Exercise in 2025 (IFE25) in Sri Lanka - Casons Rent-a-Car PVT Ltd. (Sri Lanka)
RFP No. 2024-0109/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for Continuous Data Format Software Development and Documentation on Call-off Basis - Eviden (Austria)
RFQ No. 2024-0105/McNEILL: IS39, Palau, road repair - Surangel & Sons Construction Palau
RFP No. 2024-0103/MAEDA: Diving and Subsea Cable Maintenance Services for the IMS Hydroacoustic Station HA01 Cape Leeuwin (Augusta), Australia, on a Call-off Basis - Smart Endeavours Pty Ltd Australia
RFP No. 2024-0098/MOGAPI: Provision of Software Engineering Services for the Development of an Atmospheric Transport Ensemble Modelling System (ATM-EPS) on a Call-Off Basis - INSTRUMENTAL SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (USA)
RFP No. 2024-0092/MOGAPI: Provision of Software Engineering Services for the Development of an Operational Xenon Background Estimation Tool (XEBET) Component C1 “Scientific Methods” on a call-off basis - GEOSPHERE AUSTRIA (Austria)
RFP No. 2024-0092/MOGAPI: Provision of Software Engineering Services for the Development of an Operational Xenon Background Estimation Tool (XeBET) on a Call-off Basis – Component C2 (Software Engineering) - PwC Advisory Services GmbH (Austria)
ITB No. 2024-0099: Supply and Installation of Diesel Generator and Provision of Associated Works at IMS Primary Seismic Station PS45, Malin, Ukraine in accordance with Annexes B and C - CDGA Engineering Consultants Ltd. (Ireland)
RFQ No. 2024-0083/MCNEILL: Supply and Delivery of Ruggedized Laptops - ITM Systems Ltd. (UK)
RFP No. 2024-0074/SANZ: Hotel Services for On-Site Inspection Integrated Field Exercise (IFE25) - Amaya Beach (Sun Tan Beach Resorts Limited) (Sri Lanka)
RFQ No. 2024-0069/SANZ: Rugged field computers - Atea A/S (Denmark)
ITB No. 2024-0066/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Field Heating and Cooling Equipment on a Call-Off Basis - Dantherm A/S, Denmark
ITB No. 2024-0062/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of air transportation DBJ and Lower Deck Transport Containers - VRR - Van Riemsdijk Rotterdam BV (The Netherlands)
RFQ No. 2024-0061/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Airborne Visual Observation System - Remote GeoSystems, Inc. (USA)
RFQ No. 2024-0057/STOMOV: Animated videos explaining CTBTO's International Monitoring System (IMS) - Moodive, s.r.o., Slovakia
RFP No. 2024-0056/RAHMAN: Maintenance and Enhancement of Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) Compliant Web Services on a Call-off Basis - ARTAL Technologies (France)
RFQ No. 2024-0053/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Field Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment on a Call-Off Basis - DD Ltd., Bulgaria
RFP No. 2024-0052/HASAN: SAP Ariba Implementation Services - Ernst & Young Management Consulting GmbH (Austria)
RFP No. 2024-0051/JIBRIL: Enhancements and Maintenance of IDC Products and IMS Data – Secure Web Portal for the CTBTO - USOFT, HTI (Ukraine)
RFQ No. 2024-0049/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Venue and Catering for the Specialized Technical Meeting 2024, Vienna, Austria, from 19 to 21 November 2024 - AUSTRIA TREND HOTEL BOSEI (Austria)
RFP No. 2024-0039/MCNEILL: Provision of Services for the CTBTO Research Fellowship - Center for Energy and Security Studies (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
RFP No. 2024-0038/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Venue, Conference Package and one Dinner for 100 participants (and optional accommodation for 20 funded participants) for INGE Workshop, Vienna Austria, from 10 to 14 June 2024 - NH HOTELES Austria GmbH, NH Danube
RFP No. 2024-0037/APYLOV: Design, Upgrade of Infrastructure and Support Services for IMS Primary Seismic Station PS34, Norilsk, Russian Federation - LLC SIBES+ (The Russian Federation)
RFP No. 2024-0035/RAHMAN: Software Engineering Services for a Station Operator Portal (SOPORTAL) on a Call-off Basis - Paistar Information Technology Co., Ltd (China)
ITB No. 2024-0028/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Robotic System - Generation Robots, Germany
ITB No. 2024-0024/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Field Distribution Boxes and Accessories - Essential Supplies UK Ltd
RFP No. 2024-0016/SANZ: Provision of site modification and equipment handling for the OSI Build-Up Exercise 2024 (Lots 1 and 2, excl. optional works for “remediation of areas A or D”) - HE-DO Kft (Hungary)
RFP No. 2024-0015/SANZ: Ambulance Support Services for Build Up Exercise (BUE24) - ATCO Frontec Europe Ltd. Hungary
RFQ No. 2024-0011/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Ground-Based Laser Scanner - Leica Geosystems Austria GmbH
ITB No. 2024-0013/JIBRIL: Supply and Delivery of Cisco NEXUS 93180YC-FX3 SWITCHES - CANCOM Austria AG
RFQ No. 2024-0005/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Leica CS20 Field Controller - BM TEVISA, SAU (Spain)
RFQ No. 2024-0003/STOMOV: Trimming tool for RASA samples - Seibersdorf Labor GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2023-0165/POGGIO: Redevelopment of Multimedia Elements for E-Learning Modules - Klippe Learning Ltd.
ITB No. 2023-0163/HASAN: Supply and delivery of official CTBTO vehicles - Mercedes-Benz Österreich GmbH
RFQ No. 2023-0162/POGGIO: Maintenance Services for the Multimedia Equipment of the CTBTO Operations Centre - Conex Media GmbH
RFQ No. 2023-0158/HASAN: Supply and Delivery of a Passenger / Cargo / Pick Up Truck - Auto Stahl Reparatur und Vertriebs
ITB No. 2023-0156/POGGIO: Supply of MATLAB Licenses for Stand-Alone Field Laptop Computers including 3 years maintenance services - Solitee BV
RFP No. 2023-0153/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Development of Software Tools for the Noble Gas Data Interpretation in the Working Area during an OSI - INSTRUMENTAL SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED
RFQ No. 2023-0149/RAHMAN: Supply and Delivery of Mobile Phones and Accessories as per the attached Terms of Reference - Bechtle direct GmbH
RFQ No. 2023-0145/SANZ: Network Attached Storage systems for OSI Field Laboratory - Trading Consultancy & Engineering C
ITB No. 2023-0142/SANZ: Supply and installation of additional fibre cables for the Data Centre Fiber Infrastructure Expansion - Polst Gesellschaft m.b.H
RFQ No. 2023-0140/POGGIO: Ruggedized Field Tablets for OSI Exercise purposesRuggedized Field Tablets for OSI Exercise purposes - Orbitica SAS
RFP No. 2023-0139/SANZ: Development of data processing software for gravitational field mapping - Geomatics Research & Development S.r.l
RFP No. 2023-0138/RAHMAN: Provision of Software Development Services for Alternative Beta-Gamma Analysis Methods for Expert Technical Analysis on a Call-off Basis (ABGAM-2) - Angewandte Wissenschaft Software und Technologie GmbH (AWST) (Austria)
ITB 2023-0137/JIBRIL: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two Cisco UCSC-C225-M6S Servers as per attached - K-Businesscom AG
RFQ No. 2023-0132/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Airborne MSIR Configuration Airworthiness Review - IGI GmbH (Germany)
RFQ No. 2023-0130/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Development of OSI Forward Modelling Capacity for Non-Seismic Geophysical Techniques - Tellus-Explora SAS
RFQ No. 2023-0129/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Analyse Seismic Ambient Noise Data - Comenius University Bratislava
RFQ No. 2023-0124/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Supply of PTP antennas for OSI Data Transmission System - Compart IT-Solutions GmbH
RFQ No. 2023-0123/ESANZ: Supply and delivery of Laptops and accessories, as per attached specifications - urgent - Atea A/S
ITB No. 2023-0118/HASAN: Replacement of station vehicle(s) for Argentina, Kenya and Namibia - Mil Serve International DMCC (UAE)
RFQ No. 2023-0116/McNEILL: Supply and Installation of Auxiliary Generator at Easter Island, Chile - Atlas Copco Chile SPA
RFQ No. 2023-0113/McNEILL: Purchase and Installation of Server Data & Security System Backup - ESSECCA GmbH
RFP No. 2023-0107/STOMOV: Upgrading of Infrastructure and Support to the Installation of the Radionuclide Particulate Station at Buenos Aires, Argentina - Symetude Sarl (France)
RFP No. 2023-0104/THORVALDSDOTTIR: E-Learning Module Development for the Linear Training Programme Introductory Level and Remote Refresher Topics - Johannes Schneider Multimedia KG
RFQ No. 2023-0103/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Audio Visual (AV) Support for the OSI Table Top Exercise, Senior Management Responsibilities during an OSI on 14 December 2023 - Bernhard AV, Austria
RFQ No. 2023-0102/HASAN: Station Vehicle for the International Monitoring Station (IMS), Primary Seismic (PS45), Ukraine - JDI Integrations
RFQ No. 2023-0092/McNEILL: Lead shield for hot spare detector for RUP58 - Oblogina, the Russian Federation
ITB No. 2023-0091/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Renewal of Airborne MSIR Configuration - IGI GmbH (Germany)
ITB No. 2023-0088/JIBRIL: Supply and Delivery of IT Equipment for the National Data Centers Capacity Building Systems - AUTOCONT a.s
RFQ No. 2023-0084/THORVALSDOTTIR: Proof of Concept Solution for Security Card Access to GIMO Platform Infrastructure During an OSI - AR Factor Group, Israel
RFP No. 2023-0070/JIBRIL: Provision of Veeam subscription licenses for Microsoft 365, support services for Veeam Backup and Replication - Autocont, Czech Republic
ITB No. 2023-0066/JIBRIL: Procurement and Installation of IT Racks and Power Distribution Units - Autocont, Czech Republic
RFQ No. 2023-0055/POGGIO: Promotional Items for CTBTO SnT2023 Conference - SOBELPU S.p.r.l, Belgium
RFP No. 2023-0052/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for the Scientific Development of a Source Term Estimator Tool, on a Call-off Basis - Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Republic
RFP No. 2023-0051/THORVALSDOTTIR: Input and Review of Technical Manuals for Radionuclide Particulates in OSI - ISTI, USA
RFQ No. 2023-0049/BOVE: Provision of Barcode Readers and Weather Stations - Symetude SARL
RFP No. 2023-0048/APYLOV: Renewal of the roofing and other refurbishment works of the building at the IMS Radionuclide Station RN55 (RUP55), Kaerkan, the Russian Federation - LLC SIBES Plus, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2023-0045/JIBRIL: Renewal of existing Red Hat subscription Services starting from 1 July 2023 - Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, Austria
RFP No. 2023-0038/APYLOV: Design, manufacturing and installation of surface seismic vaults at AS057, Borovoye, Kazakhstan - Vector, the Russian federation
RFQ No. 2023-0035/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Transportable Lightweight GIMO Servers for OSI Test and Exercise Purposes - DanOffice ApS, Denmark
ITB No. 2023-0032/APYLOV: Station all-terrain vehicle (ATV) for snowy and swampy environment for IMS station IS43, Dubna, the Russian Federation - LLC Forever, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2023-0028/RAHMAN: Provision for Cloud Infrastructure Support Services on Call-off Basis - Mobilise Cloud Services Limited, UK
RFP No. 2023-0026/JIBRIL: Provision of CISCO Hardware Maintenance 2024 (SmartNet on-site) - A1 Telekom, Austria
RFQ No. 2023-0024/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Preparation of Documents to Support Work in the OSI Field Laboratory - ISTI, USA
RFQ No. 2023-0022/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Ground Power Units for Airborne Operations: Startstick 10 - Sheargold Ltd
RFP No. 2023-0021/APYLOV: Upgrade of Fire Alarm and Safeguarding Systems at the IMS Stations PS36, IS44 and RN60, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, the Russian Federation - LLC Forever and LLC Sibes, the Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2023-0018/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Study on the Impact of Ground Motion of Spectral Signatures of Vegetation - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
RFP No. 2023-0015/POGGIO: E-Posters Rental and Support for Science and Technology 2023 (SnT2023) Conference - H82, Austria
ITB No. 2023-0013/POGGIO: Provision of food and drinks and related catering services for the CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2023 (SnT 2023) - Motto Catering, Austria
RFP No. 2023-0012/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of VMware vSphere for the Linux Servers and Software Support Services - Bacher Systems EDV GmbH, Austria
ITB No. 2023-0010/RAHMAN: Rugged Field Tablets for OSI Deployment and Exercise Purposes - FF Company Office Solutions, Austria
RFQ No 2023-0009/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Leica CS20 Field Controller -, Austria
ITB No. 2023-0008/STOMOV: Provision of Computer Equipment and Services for IMS Stateions, on a Call-off Basis - Stealth (CANADA) and Planson (USA)
RFQ 2023-0006/JIBRIL: Provision of CISCO SNS 3715 (Replacement for SNS 3515) - K-Businesscom AG, Austria
RFP No. 2023-0004/RAHMAN: Provision of Cisco WebEx Services from 01 May 2023 until 30 April 2028 - A1 Telekom, Austria
ITB No. 2023-0002/THORVALDSDOTIR: Provision for Amazon EKS Anywhere on Bare Metal Servers and Support Services - Huemer iT-Solution GmbH., Austria
RFP No. 2022-0149/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Linux Support Services, on a Call-off Basis - Fujitsu, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0142/ROTTE: Laser Cutter and Related On-Site Training - JustLaser, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0138/POGGIO: Analysis of seismic ambient noise and earthquake recordings (Task 1) - Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
RFQ No. 2022-0138/POGGIO: Analysis of seismic ambient noise and earthquake recordings (Task 2) - Sonicona, Germany
RFQ No. 2022-0134/POGGIO: Provision of Degausser - VS Security Products Ltd, UK
ITB No. 2022-0131/POGGIO: Renewal of existing Matlab licenses for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 - UNI Business, The Netherlands
RFQ No. 2022-0130/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Input and Review of Technical Manuals for Noble Gases in OSI - ISTI, USA
RFP No. 2022-0129/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Scintillation Plates for Background Reduction of OSI Gamma Radiation Detectors - Arktis Radiation Detectors, Switzerland
RFQ No. 2022-0128/STOMOV: CTBTO Flags - Erste Österreichische Fahnenfabrik, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0125/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Moodle Workplace Platform and Needs Assessment for Wide Cloud Based Moodle Solution - Enovation, Ireland
RFP No. 2022-0123/BOVE: Provision of Design Concepts for the Redesign of the CTBTO Exhibition Areas in the VIC - Out Of Habit Design, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0120/STOMOV: Metrological Services to Support the IMS waveform Monitoring Technologies, on a Call-off Basis - Acoustic Sensor Networks, United Kingdom and LNE, France
RFP No. 2022-0112/HASAN: Provision of Xenon Spike Samples, on a Call-off Basis - Seibersdorf Labor GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0110/RAHMAN: PRTG Enterprise Monitor Software License and Maintenance (for 5 years) - M3P Systemhaus, Austria
ITB No. 2022-0106/RAHMAN: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Two CISCO UCSC- C225-M6S Servers - K-businesscom, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0105/MCNEILL: Photography equipment - Digitalstore Vienna Fotohandels GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0103/HASAN: Ultimaker S5 FDM 3D printer with 2-head multifilament printing - RS Components, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0096/APYLOV: Transportation services to/from/within the Russian Federation - Vialanta, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2022-0087/STOMOV: Printing of the 2021 Annual report in 6 official languages - Wograndl, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0084/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for the Scientific Development of a Xenon Background Estimation Tool (XEBET) - GLYA SRL, Argentina
RFP No. 2022-0082/HASAN: Corporate Learning- Soft Skills Training, on a Call-off Basis - KPL Knowlegde, UK
ITB No. 2022-0077/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Supply and delivery with "CTBTO " Logo printed backpacks (for notebooks), cotton bags and pens for IDC /CBT events (2022 -2025) - Traunkristall, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0065/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance of Performance Monitoring Tools and the Evaluation Information Management System - Artal Technologies, France
RFP No. 2022-0064/JIBRIL: Data Analytics Front End Framework Development - Artal Technologies, France
RFQ No. 2022-0059/MCNEILL: Stands for ICS cooled detectors- Wenk Labtec, Germany
ITB No. 2022-0058/RAHMAN: Provision of Off-Site Data Archive Services - Iron Mountain, Austria
RFP No. 2022-0046/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Deployable Video Surveillance and Security System for BOO and In-Field Equipment Prototype Build - A.R Factor Group, Israel
RFQ No. 2022-0045/RAHMAN: Supply and Delivery of Camera equipment for On-Site Inspection - KREPS, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0037/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Gas Storage Bags - Ballonbau, Germany
RFP No. 2022-0034/HASAN: Provision of sources for the proficiency test exercises (PTE) and other related services on a call-off basis - NPL, United Kingdom
RFQ No. 2022-0033/BOVE: Health & Safety Training TeST Centre - Inverroy Crisis Management Ltd, UK
RFQ No. 2022-0031/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Maintenance of On-Site Inspection Mobile Servers and Support with Update and Configuration Management - Huemer IT, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0030/KARIMOV - RE-BID: Provision of Garden Irrigation System at the CTBTO Technology Support and Training Centre in Seibersdorf - Karl Watzke, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0026/CHAUDRY: Lighting and Audio Equipment - Tools at Work, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0023/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Rental of Audio Visual Technical Equipment and Support Services for the Table Top Exercise for Senior Management (TTE-SM-2022) on 14 June 2022) - Bernhard AV, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0022/BOVE: Provision of Backup Batteries for IS27, Boshof, South Africa - Global Technical Solutions, South Africa
RFQ No. 2022-0020/RAHMAN: Provision of CISCO 4451-X Licenses for Cisco ISR 4451-X Routers - Online Delivery - Tempest, Slovakia
ITB No. 2022-0019/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Design and Construction of a Projection System for the OSI Airborne Simulator - Flight Simulators Limited, UK
RFP No. 2022-0017/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Nodal Acquisition System for Active Seismic Surveys - Geospace, USA
RFP No. 2022-0014/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Development of a Prototype Soil Moisture Monitoring for Subsurface Gas Sampling - Symetude, France
RFQ No. 2022-0010/JIBRIL: Installation of new lights, sockets and light switch for CTBTO TeST Centre - Pro Fortius GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2022-0009/POGGIO: Supply, Delivery and Installation of CISCO 8300 routers - Kapsch, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0171/JIBRIL: Software Development and Maintenance of STMS Platform Web Application, on a Call-off Basis - EBlocks, South Africa
RFQ No. 2021-0168/POGGIO: GMX600 Maximet Gill - Compact Weather Stations - Kroneis, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0162/BOVE: Macbook Pros (2021) - Tools at Work, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0154/APYLOV: MATLAB Licenses for Stand-Alone Field Laptop Computers - UNI Business, The Netherlands
RFQ No. 2021-0150/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Ruggedized Field Tablets for OSI Exercise Purposes - FF Company Office Solutions, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0147/POGGIO: Multimedia Spares for the CTBTO Operations Center - Eton Iternational
ITB No. 2021-0145/POGGIO: Renewal of existing Matlab licenses for the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 - UNI Business, The Netherlands
ITB No. 2021-0143/CHAUDHRY: VMWare Support Extension for the period 2022 - 2024 - Huemer, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0142/POGGIO: Plixer Scrutinizer Network Monitoring System and Support - InfoStor, UK
RFQ No. 2021-0140/BOVE: Data Visualization and Storytelling Group Training (Virtual) - Business Training Works, USA
RFQ No. 2021-0139/POGGIO: Ground Conductivity Meter for shallow survey and accessories - GF Instruments, Czech Republic
RFQ No. 2021-0138/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Helicopter Services to Support the Testing of OSI Equipment - Global Helicopter Service GmbH, Germany
RFQ No. 2021-0137/HASAN: Modular Online Training on Human Resource Management Skills for Non-HR Managers - Progress Consulting/ Up Management
RFQ No. 2021-0135/RAHMAN: Provision of RSA SecurID SID software Token E-DLVRY 60 MO 255- 750 (5 years validity from 15 Oct 2021 to 14 October 2026) with additional optional purchases - UNI Business, Netherlands
ITB No. 2021-0134/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Capacity Building Systems Equipment - Huemer, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0133/POGGIO: Two Mobile Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems for OSI Exercise purposes - Tempest, Slovakia
ITB No. 2021-0130/CHAUDHRY: Procurement of PTS Linux Servers - Huemer, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0129/STOMOV: Provision of Support Services to Talent Management Suite/SAP - Launch, The Netherlands
ITB No. 2021-0128/POGGIO: CISCO Catalyst switches, routers and SFP transceivers - Kapsch, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0126/McNEILL: Modernization and installation of fire safety and fire alarm system at IMS Depot, Moscow, Russia - LLC Patriot, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2021-0121/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Hardware and Accessories for OSI/T 2022-23 Programme of Work - UNI Business, Netherlands
RFP No. 2021-0117/RAHMAN: Design and development of a new SHI-RN Data-Fusionpipeline, on a Call-off Basis - AWST, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0116/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for GPU Acceleration of FLEXPART-CTBTO Version (FLEXGPU) of ATM, on a Call-off Basis - Boreal Scientific Computing. USA
RFQ No. 2021-0115/BOVE: Maintenance Works at IMS Infrasound Station IS41 Villa Florida, Paraguay - Environments S.A., Paraguay
RFP No. 2021-0114/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Development and Maintenance of On Site Inspections Software Applications - ISTI, USA; Zuehlke, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0113/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Nexus 56128P Switch Replacement - Kapsch Business, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0112/JIBRIL: Enhancement of Web-grape Internet Based Services - Artal Technologies, France
RFQ No. 2021-0100/STOMOV: Infrastructure Upgrade and Repair to CRF Facilities at PS33/IS46, Zalesovo, Russian Federation - LLC Elbrus, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2021-0108/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Development of the Radionuclide Expert Technical Analysis Suite Using Isotopic Ratio Analysis, on a Call-Off Basis - AWST
RFP No. 2021-0105/RAHMAN: Implementation of Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) Compliant Web Services - Artal Technologies, France
RFQ No. 2021-0099/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Consultancy Services to Conduct Tabletop Exercise to Analyse a Theoretical On-Site Inspections Deployment Strategic Transport Requirements - Chapman Freeborn Airchartering, UK
RFP No. 2021-0098/RAHMAN: Provision of e-Learning Content Re-build from Articulate Storyline to Articulate Rise and Learning Management System (LMS) Upgrade and Customisation - AfroCloud, USA
RFP No. 2021-0097/CHAUDHRY: Approach for Exploitation of Computed 3D Global-Scale Ocean Acoustic Signal Features for Implementation in the Hydroacoustic Signal Processing Algorithm in IDC - Applied Ocean Services, USA
RFQ No. 2021-0095/ROTTE: Purchase and Installation of Two Large Dual Screen Display Systems (Switch-Key) - Conex Media, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0093/APYLOV: Upgrade of Fences at IMS Stations PS33/IS46 Zalesovo, PS37/IS45 Ussuriysk, and PS36/IS44 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russian Federation - LLC Forever, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2021-0091/CHAUDHRY - RE-BID: OSI E-Learning Module Development for Remote Refresher Training of OSI Surrogate Inspectors - Johannes Schneider Multimedia KG, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0090/RAHMAN: Maintenance Services for the Data Centre Servers and Systems for the period 2022 – 2025 - Fujitsu, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0087/RAHMAN: OSI E-Learning Module Development for Regional Introductory Courses - AfroCloud Technologies, USA
RFP No. 2021-0084/APYLOV: Downtime Analysis and Station Equipment Failure Statistics for IMS Stations, on a Call-off Basis - AddProject, Spain; Symetude, France
RFQ No. 2021-0082/JIBRIL: Hardware Refreshment of Web Filtering Devices - A1, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0080/BOVE - REOPENED: Supply and Delivery of Ruggedized Field Laptop Computers and External Hard Drives for the International Monitoring System - FF Company Office Solutions, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0071/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for Geophysical Applications, on a Call-off Basis - Zuehlke, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0069/APYLOV: External Quality Assessment of Internal Audit - Akademie Interne Revision, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0068/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Scientific Writing and Editing of OSI Technical Reports - PrePress Projects, UK and ISTI, USA
ITB No. 2021-0067/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Specialised and Off the Shelf Storage and Transport Materials - Pro Fortius, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0066/THORVALDSDOTTIR: 3D Scanner and Associated Data Processing Application - Ametek GmbH, Division Creaform - Germany
ITB No. 2021-0064/BOVE: Supply of Whatman Filter Material for Cinderella Air Sampling Stations - Cytiva Europe GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0060/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Analyse Seismic Ambient Noise and Earthquake Recordings - Comenius University, Bratislava and Sonicona, Germany
RFQ No. 2021-0057/JIBRIL: Bright Walls for Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT 2021) - Exponorm Displaysysteme, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0050/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Field Deployable Tent Infrastructure, Accessories and Equipment for Base of Operation - Lanco, Gremany and NorLense, Norway
RFP No. 2021-0043/RAHMAN: Monthly Performance Report (MPR): Migration to Elastic Search Repository and Extraction of Additional Metrics - Zuehlke Engineering, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0037/STOMOV: Provision of Catering Services for the CTBT Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT 2021) - Motto Catering, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0034/THORVALDSDOTTIR: 3D Printer with PEEK Printing Capabilities - 3DEE Store, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0029/JIBRIL: Supply, Delivery and Installation of System for Veritas NetBackup - Huemer IT Solution, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0025/STOMOV: Repair of fence damaged by the landslide at CRF of PS32, Khabaz, Russian Federation - Transstroygroup, Russian Federation
ITB No. 2021-0024/JIBRIL: IT Equipment for the National Data Centres' Capacity Building Systems - Huemer iT-Solution GmbH, Austria
RFP No. 2021-0021/STOMOV RE-BID #2: CTBTO's Commercial Risk Insurance Policy Coverages and Services - International SOS, Switzerland, Hugh Wood, USA, Willis Towers Watson, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0018/RAHMAN: Provision of Uninterruptible Power Systems for Inspection Team Working Area and Receiving Area Servers - Kreps, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0009/RAHMAN: Provision of Internet Service for the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (Two ISPs) - Next Layer, Austria, and Kapper, Austria
ITB No. 2021-0008/THORVALDSDOTTIR: RSA SecurID SID700 Tokens - UNI Business, Netherlands
RFQ No. 2021-0005/BOVE: Provision of Services for the CTBTO Youth Group - Citizen Journalism Training - Atomic Reporters, Austria
RFQ No. 2021-0005/BOVE: Provision of Services for the CTBTO Youth Group - CTBT Publication Hub for Young Scholars - CENESS, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2021-0003/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Categorise and Document Electrical Safety Requirements for OSI Equipment - CDGA, Ireland
RFQ No. 2020-0166/CHAUDHRY: Switches for Inspection Team Working Area and Receiving Area - Huemer, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0162/DABBS: SolarWinds Maintenance Services Renewal for a period of 5 years - ITM Systems, UK
RFP No. 2020-0158/APYLOV: Disassembly and Hand-over of the 3 "ARIX" Systems installed at IMS Stations in the Russian Federation - Oblogina, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2020-0157/CHAUDHRY: Supply of CISCO 10G LR SFP and Routers - Tempest, Slovakia
RFQ No. 2020-0147/DABBS: Annual Maintenance for 25 Pieces of DANTHERM AC Field Units - Hoffman Kaelte, Austria
RFP No. 2020-0144/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for High-Resolution Pipeline and the Performance Enhancements of Atmospheric Transport Modelling (ATM), on a Call-off Basis - Boreal Scientific Computing, USA
RFQ No. 2020-0143/DABBS: Preparation of materials to facilitate the processing of MSIR data - IGI, Germany
RFQ No. 2020-0140/DABBS: IS52 Remote Element Battery Lithium Iron Phosphate Upgrade - Melanite Group, Canada
RFQ No. 2020-0139/POGGIO: Two iMac PRO - Desktop computers - ACP, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0138/DABBS: Panasonic cameras and controller - AV-Professional GmbH, Austria
ITB No. 2020-0135/JIBRIL: Delivery and Installation of Tufin Orchestration Suit - Bacher, Austria
RFP No. 2020-0134/SCOTT-HERON: Provision of Group Medical Insurance Plan - Cigna, Belgium
RFP No. 2020-0133/APYLOV: Supply and Delivery of IMS Station Power Systems, Communications Systems, Equipment and Associated Services, on a Call-off Basis - CDGA, Ireland; Enviroearth, France; Nanometrics, Canada
ITB No. 2020-0130/JIBRIL: Supply of Checkpoint Appliances and Maintenance Support for Checkpoint Environment - Tempest, Slovakia
RFQ No. 2020-0129/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Autocad Licenses - Cybertrends, Uganda
RFQ No. 2020-0126/THORVALDSDOTTIR: New Server Hardware and Software Licenses for OSI Base of Operations PSM Real Time Data Acquisition - Huemer, Austria
RFP No. 2020-0123/CHAUDHRY: Further Development, Commissioning, Maintenance and Support of the SHI Expert Technical Analysis Suite (SHI-ETA), on a Call-off basis - ISTI, USA
RFP No. 2020-0121/JIBRIL: Xenon Background Estimator: Development of an evaluation system and conducting a competition for the best method on a call-off basis (XeBET-STE project) - ZAMG, Austria
ITB No. 2020-0117/JIBRIL:Provision of Services pertaining to the Maintenance of CTBTO Storage System for the period 2021-2025 - Bacher, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0111/RAHMAN: Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 (500 licenses) - Kapsch, Austria
ITB No. 2020-0110/RAHMAN: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance Services for IMS/NSS/ULSU - Garth Williams, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0109/APYLOV: Supply and installation of 6 (six) concrete pylons for RN13 at Edea, Cameroon - Mahol, Cameroon
RFQ No. 2020-0108/APYLOV: Refurbishment of station rooms at RUP59, Zalesovo, Russia - Vector, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2020-0107/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Filming and Editing of Video Tutorials for OSI Online Trainings - Ffab Productions, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0105/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Powerlock Cable Sets - Distribution Zone
ITB No. 2020-0104/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Document the Technical Development of Non-Seismic Geophysical Techniques for OSI - MARIS s.c.a.r.l.
ITB No. 2020-0103/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Document the Technical Development of Seismic Geophysical Techniques for OSI - Comenius University, Slovakia AND Geofizikai Szolgalat Europa Kft, Hungary
RFQ No. 2020-0100/STOMOV - RE-BID: Construction of Supporting Gabions at IS41 Villa Florida, Paraguay - Environmets, Paraguay
RFP No. 2020-0099/STOMOV: Technical Editing and Documentation Support Services, on a Call-off Basis - Global Technical Solutions, South Africa
RFQ No. 2020-0098/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Data Storage and Read-Out Systems for Meteo Stations - Physicus, Slovakia
RFQ No. 2020-0095/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Transport Boxes for Storage and Transport of the Working Area (WA) and Receiving Area (RA) Workstations - Pro Fortius
RFQ No. 2020-0094/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Personal Protective Equipment - DD Ltd, Bulgaria
RFP No. 2020-0093/RAHMAN: CTBTO Public Key Infrastructure Maintenance, Support and Development of Enhanced Solutions - Verizon, Austria
RFQ No. 2020-0089/STOMOV - RE-BID: Fire safety advice TeST Centre - ADSUM
ITB No. 2020-0085/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Measurement System for Subsurface Gas Sample Quality - Symetude
RFP No. 2020-0084/RAHMAN: CTBTO Video Platform - Video Streaming and Archive Platform - iMedia8, UK
RFQ No. 2020-0082/STOMOV: ATV for snow and swamp for PS33, Zalesovo, Russian Federation - TD Professional
RFP No. 2020-0081/STOMOV - RE-BID: Electrical Expert Services at IMS Stations - OVE, Austria and Global Technical Solutions, South Africa
RFQ No. 2020-0080/RAHMAN: Renewal of Existing Matlab Licenses for the Period (1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021) - UNI Business
RFQ No. 2020-0079/CHAUDHRY: Consulting Services for the Installation and Configuration of OSI Data Processing Software - Huemer
RFQ No. 2020-0077/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services to Document the Technical Development of Selected Radionuclide Related Techniques for On Site Inspections - ISTI
RFQ No. 2020-0076/STOMOV: Supply, Delivery and Installation of Pallet Rack System and Heavy Duty Shelves at the CTBTO Technology Support and Training Centre (TeST Centre) - ARPA
RFP No. 2020-0072/JIBRIL: Provision of Online Workshops on eLearning Design and Development, on a Call-off Basis - OLC Online Learning Consortium
RFQ No. 2020-0068/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Air Manager for Ultimaker S5 3D Printer - 3Dee
RFQ No. 2020-0067/CHAUDHRY: Procurement and Installation of IT Racks and PDUs - ACP
RFP No. 2020-0066/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance of STMS Platform Web Application, on a Call-off Basis - Bilbomática S.A, Spain
RFP No. 2020-0060/HASAN: Diving and Subsea Cable Maintenance Services for Hydroacoustic Station HA01 Cape Leeuwin (Augusta) Western Australia, on a Call-Off Basis - MMA Offshore, Australia
RFQ No. 2020-0059/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Upgrade of a System for Degassing Noble Gases from Water - Symetude
RFQ No. 2020-0057/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision and Maintenance of ENVI and IDL Licenses for On-Site Inspection - Harris Geospatial
RFP No. 2020-0056/APYLOV: Upgrade of the Station, On-Site Support and Initial Testing of IMS Primary Seismic Station PS35, Peleduy (PDYAR), Russian Federation - LLC Vector
RFQ No. 2020-0054/STOMOV: Station Vehicle for PS36, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russian Federation - LLC Transstroygroup
RFQ No. 2020-0053/STOMOV: Vacuum pumps for AUP05 and AUP07 - Dynapumps
RFQ No. 2020-0051/CHAUDHRY: Supply, delivery and Installation of Hybrid UPS and batteries for Comoros - Allfam Trade
RFQ No. 2020-0044/CHAUDHRY: Ethernet cables for PSM mini-arrays - Reftek
RFP No. 2020-0043/STOMOV: Upgrade of Auxiliary Power Supply System at RUP/RUX58, Ussuriysk, Russian Federation - SIBES plus
RFP No. 2020-0042/STOMOV: Design, Upgrade of Infrastructure, Logistic Support and Initial Testing at IMS Auxiliary Seismic Station AS92, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation - LLC Vector
RFP No. 2020-0041/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Services for Waveform and Radionuclide Operational Applications, on a Call-off Basis - USoft HTI Inc, and Zühlke Engineering (Austria) GmbH
RFP No. 2020-0040/STOMOV: Fulfillment of Requirements to Fibre Optic Cable Installation at PS37 and IS45, Ussuriysk - LLC Vector
ITB No. 2020-0036/JIBRIL: Provision of CISCO SmartNet Hardware Maintenance 2020-2021 - Kapsch
RFP No. 2020-0030/HASAN: Maintenance and Enhancements of the CTBTO Organizational Management Programme Achievement Status System (COMPASS) - Mouritech, USA
RFQ No. 2020-0027/STOMOV: Video Interviewing Software Package - Sonru
ITB No. 2020-0026/HASAN: Provision of Water Coolers and Related Services - Freshwater
ITB No. 2020-0021/RAHMAN: Provision of Software Development for the Intranet Project, on a Call-off Basis - ADALOT
RFP No. 2020-0020/POGGIO: Redesign of Flash-based On-Site Inspection (OSI) E-Learning Modules - Johannes Schneider Multimedia KG
RFP No. 2020-0019-APYLOV: Design, Upgrade of Infrastructure, Installation Support and initial Testing for AS90, Bilibino, Russia - LLC Sibes Plus
RFP No. 2020-0016/RAHMAN: Software Engineering Services for Continuous Data Acquisition, Continuous Testing and Continuous Integration, on a Call-off Basis - Atos
RFP No. 2020-0014/JIBRIL: Software Engineering Services for Automatic and Interactive Waveform Data Processing - AWST
RFQ No. 2020-0011/JIBRIL: Compact and Rugged Field Zebra Printers - Zetes
ITB No. 2020-0005/RAHMAN: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Support Services of RSA HW Replacement, SW Upgrade and HW and SW Maintenance - Tempest
RFP No. 2020-0003/JIBRIL: Enhancements of IDC Products and IMS Data - Secure Web Portal for the CTBTO, on a Call-off Basis - U-Soft
RFP No. 2019-0241/HASAN: Provision of Printing Services, on a Call-off Basis - Eurograf
RFQ No. 2019-0240/POGGIO: Design and Construction of Transport Housing Unit for MSIR Pods - Flightcases International A/S, Denmark
RFQ No. 2019-0239/KARIMOV: SMS Depot Modernization in Moscow, LLC Transstroygroup, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2019-0231/DABBS: Ethics Training - QED Consulting, USA
RFQ No. 2019-0230/DABBS: Presentation skills training - Progress Consulting, Belgium
RFQ No. 2019-0225/KARIMOV: Snow Ploughs for RUP56, RUP58 and RUP59 -, SIBES, Russian Federation
ITB No. 2019-0220/THORVALDSDOTTIR: New Server Hardware and Software Licenses for OSI Base of Operations Working Area and Receiving Area Servers - Huemer, Austria
ITB No. 2019-0218/POGGIO: Supply, installation and Support of HPE Systems - AUTOCONT a.s., Czech Republic
RFQ No. 2019-0216/STOMOV: Filming, Editing & Production of Videos for a Public Audience on the CTBTO's work to build capacity in Africa & Latin America - Digital Canopy Media, USA
RFQ No. 2019-0214/POGGIO: Calibration of Seismometers - SARA Electronic Instruments, Italy
ITB No. 2019-0213/CHAUDHRY: Supply, Delivery and Installation of CISCO Network Equipment - A1 Telekom, Austria; Kapsch, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0209/POGGIO: User Experience and Web Application Design Improvements, on a Call-off Basis - Hypertech S.A., Greece
ITB No. 2019-0207/RAHMAN: Deployment of a Datacentre Infrastructure and Environmental Management Solution - ACP, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0198/JIBRIL: Maintenance and Enhancements for VDMS Modules and Automation of PKI Key Management Command and Control Messaging, on a Call-off Basis - Artal Technologies, France
RFQ No. 2019-0197/HASAN: Mac Hardware - Tools at Work
ITB No. 2019-0195/JIBRIL: Upgrade of Hitachi G1000 Storage System - Bacher, Austria
ITB No. 2019-0192/CHAUDHRY: NVIDA DGX-1 Server Computer Appliance - Altair, Germany
RFQ No. 2019-0191/DABBS: Double-sided Electronic Wireless Nameplates - Media Vision
RFQ No. 2019-0190/STOMOV: Development of CTBTO Youth Group Newsroom Project - Atomic Reporters, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0187/CHAUDHRY: Server Hardware, ACP, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0185/STOMOV: Technical Equipment including Video Audio Equipment - UNI Business
RFP No. 2019-0180/STOMOV: Provision and Disposal of Radioactive Calibration Exempt Sources for IMS Radionuclide Stations, on a Call-off Basis - Eckert & Ziegler Analytics
RFQ No. 2019-0179/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Electronic Personal Dose Rate System - Thermo Fisher
RFQ No. 2019-0176/CHAUDHRY: Matlab License Maintenance Renewal from 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2020 - UNI Business, The Netherlands
RFP No. 2019-0175/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Translation and Localization of E-Learning Content into All Official UN Languages - Global Lingo, UK
RFQ No. 2019-0174/CHAUDHRY: Interactive Data Language (IDL) Renewal of Maintenance for 3 years - Harris Geospatial
RFQ No. 2019-0170/JIBRIL: GigaStor Maintenance and Support - Willtron
RFP No. 2019-0169/STOMOV: Upgrade of Intra-site Communication System at PS45 Malin, Ukraine, RPIKS, Ukraine
ITB No. 2019-0168/RAHMAN: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Support of Oracle Database Grid and SCT Server - Huemer, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0166/DABBS: Maintenance and Upgrade of Power and Heating System at KBZ/PS32, Khabaz, Russian Federation - LLC Forever, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2019-0162/DABBS: APC Symmetra RASA UPS spare for IMS depot - ARP GmbH, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0155/DABBS: Provision of Mediation Training for the Newly Appointed Mediators and Other Staff - CMP, UK
RFQ No. 2019-0154/DABBS: Industrial Cleaning Equipment TeST Centre - Stangl Reinigungstechnik GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0151/JIBRIL: Miscellaneous Upgrade Hardware - ACP IT Solutions GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0161/DABBS: Connection of the equipment vault to a new power line at AS059/AKTO, Kazakhstan, Vector, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2019-0148/RAHMAN: Software Development and Maintenance of NET-VISA, on a Call-off Basis - Bayesian Logic, USA
ITB No. 2019-0143/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Desk Study and Field Testing on the Application of Airborne Magnetics for the Detection of OSI-relevant Observables - Maris
RFP No. 2019-0136/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Maintenance and Enhancements of the Identity Management and WEB Single Sign-on Platform - Ventum
RFQ No. 2019-0130/STOMOV: Sliding metal shelves for CTBTO document archive - Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0128/STOMOV: Supply and Installation of a Power Factor Correction System at GBP67 - Enviroearth, France
RFP No. 2019-0127/STOMOV: Provision of Software Development Services for Automatic Cinderella G2 RN Stations - Beneto KFT, Hungary
RFP No. 2019-0125/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Development and Maintenance of CTBTO Web Applications - USOFT HTI Inc, Ukraine
RFP No. 2019-0122/STOMOV: CISCO Hardware for the TeST Centre - Kapsch BusinessCom AG, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0115/STOMOV: Wheel loader for PS36 and IS44, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russian Federation - Almatytenderinvest LLP, Kazakhstan
RFQ No. 2019-0113/HASAN: UPS Replacement for RN56 - Obligina, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2019-0112/HASAN: Provision of Sources for Proficiency Test Exercises (PTEs) and other related Services involving CTBTO and other Radionuclide Laboratories, on a Call-off Basis - Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, USA
RFQ No. 2019-0110/APYLOV: Upgrade of the Platforms for SW Air Sampler Systems at 3 RN Stations in Russia - LLC Forever, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2019-0109/STOMOV - RE-BID: Provision of Cleaning Services at the CTBTO TeST Centre, Seibersdorf - Attensam Hausbetreuung GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0101/CHAUDHRY: VMware Horizon 7, ACP, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0097/HASAN: Electric Reach Truck/Palette Loader for TeST Centre - Toyota Material Handling Austria GmbH
RFQ No. 2019-0088/CHAUDHRY: Database Administration Support Services, Cybertec Schönig and Schönig GmbH, Austria
RFQ No. 2019-0082/MAEDA: USB Oscilloscopes for IMS-RN Stations in the Russian Federation - Obligina, Russian Federation
RFP No. 2019-0078/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering Service Support for Seismic /Hydroacoustic /Infrasound (SHI) Re-Engineering, on a Call-off Basis - Atos, Austria; FSUE All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics, VNIIA, Russian Federation; Zühlke, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0075/RAHMAN: Software Maintenance and Development of Geotool, on a Call-off Basis - Naviog Consulting, USA
ITB No. 2019-0066/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Deployable Video Surveillance and Security System for the Base of Operations and In Field Equipment - ECRIEE International, People's Republic of China
RFP No. 2019-0057/APYLOV: Upgrade of Intra-Array Communication System at IS43, Dubna - TELECOM MPK LLC, Russian Federation
RFQ No. 2019-0053/NYAMBURA: Production of Bright LED Walls for SnT 2019 - Exponorm
ITB No. 2019-0051/CHAUDHRY: New Intranet Design Refresh - Adalot, Italy
RFP No. 2019-0047/MAEDA: Delivery, Installation, Initial Testing, Liaison, Training and Other Support Services for the Noble Gas Station SPALAX NEX48, Agadez, Niger - ENVEA
RFQ No. 2019-0039-JIBRIL: Supply and Installation of a Wireless Presentation System at the New ESMF - AVC Consulting
ITB No. 2019-0038/RAHMAN: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Support of NetApp Hardware, Bacher Systems EDV GmbH, Austria
ITB No. 2019-0035/RAHMAN: Supply and Delivery of Non-Seismic Geophysical Equipment – Expansion of Existing Capabilities for Testing and Training Purposes - Guideline Geo
RFP No. 2019-0032/HASAN: Supply of Uninterruptable Power Supplies and Accessories to International Monitoring System Stations and Other Locations, on a Call-off Basis - Info Stor Limited, UK
RFQ No. 2019-0031/JIBRIL: Consultation Services for Installation and Configuration of VMware Horizon (VDI solution) - Huemer
ITB No. 2019-0024/RAHMAN: CISCO Computer Centre Switches Replacement 2019 - A1 Telekom, Austria
RFP No. 2019-0023/HASAN: Supply and Delivery of Prefabricated Wind Noise Reduction Systems, Equipment Vaults, Accessories and Services, on a Call-off Basis - Enviroearth
RFP No. 2019-0017/STOMOV: Upgrade of Power Supply System at IMS PS34/NRIK Station, Norilsk, Russian Federation - Vector, Russian Federation
ITB No. 2019-0016/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Supply and Installation of Office, Workshop and Classroom Furniture at the Commission's ESMF, Seibersdorf - Bene Büromöbel
RFQ No. 2019-0015/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Provision of Instructors for the OSI Training of Trainers (ToT) Course in 2019 - Ambassador Partnership
RFQ No. 2019-0012/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Bus Shuttle Services from Vienna to Götzendorf, 03-12 April 2019 - Blaguss
RFP No. 2019-0011/STOMOV: Establishment of Infrastructure related to the Installation of the Upgraded Radionuclide Station RN40 (RASA System), Kuwait City - Enviroearth, France
RFQ No. 2019-0010/HASAN: External Meteorological and Authentication Module - Rausch
RFP No. 2019-0004/STOMOV: Upgrade of Infrastructure at IS31, Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan - Vector
ITB No. 2018-0204/ROTTE: Supply, Delivery and Installation of CBS Equipment, Huemer, Austria
RFQ No. 2018-0203/ROTTE: Linux Workstations - Atea
ITB No. 2018-0201/POGGIO: Catering Services at the Hofburg for the CTBT Science and Technology Conference (SnT 2019), from 24-28 June 2019 - Motto Catering, Austria
RFP No. 2018-0194/APYLOV: Renovation of roof of the main building at IMS RN60, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia - Forever LLC
RFP No. 2018-0198/HASAN: Overhauling and Updating of Interactive Online e-learning Modules - Know How, Germany
ITB No. 2018-0193/CHAUDHRY: Supply and Installation of Video, Presentation and Audio System for recording and web streaming activities at new Equipment, Storage and Maintenance Facility - AVC
ITB No. 2018-0191/ROTTE: Development of a Database and Visualization Applications for OSI Equipment Storage, Maintenance and Deployment Purposes - Zühlke
RFP No. 2018-0190/STOMOV: Establishment of Infrastructure, Installation and Initial Testing for RN02, Salta, Argentina - Enviroearth, France
RFQ No. 2018-0188/CHAUDHRY: Vacuum Pump Kit - Pfeiffer
RFQ No. 2018-0187/STOMOV: Supply and Delivery of Rugged Field Tablets for OSI Testing and Training Purposes - Congress Loipersdorf
RFP No. 2018-0186/POGGIO: Event and Branding production for Snt2019, 24-28 June 2019 in the Hofburg, Vienna - Good Cause Promotions
RFP No. 2018-0183/STOMOV: Provision of Software Engineering Development Services for Radionuclide Applications, on a Call-off Basis - AWST, Austria, ISTI, USA, Mageo IT, Bulgaria, Usoft HTI Inc, Ukraine, Zühlke, Austria
RFQ No. 2018-0182/RAHMAN: Supply and Delivery of Rugged Field Tablets for OSI Testing and Training Purposes - Sheargold
RFQ No. 2018-0180/CHAUDHRY: OSI E-Learning Module and Mini-Training Videos Development for Advanced Block Courses of the OSI 3rd Training Cycle - Afro Cloud
ITB No. 2018-0177/JIBRIL: ATM Server Replacement - Huemer
ITB No. 2018-0175/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Equipment and Furniture for the CTBTO Operations Centre - Hali Büromöbel GmbH
RFP No. 2018-0171/HASAN: Inspection of Near-shore Underwater Cable at HA01, Cape Leeuwin, Australia - Maripro
RFQ No. 2018-0163/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Supply, Delivery and Installation of Four CISCO UCSC-C220-M5 Servers - Dimension Data
RFQ No. 2018-0158/RAHMAN: Supply, Delivery and Installation of NVIDIA DGX Station Computer Appliance - FluiDyna GmbH
RFQ No. 2018-0157/APYLOV: Lead shielding and accessories for IMS Radionuclide Stations in Russia - Aspect
RFQ No. 2018-0156/APYLOV: Weather Stations WXT530 series (WXT536) for Radionuclide Stations - UNI Business
RFP No. 2018-0137/STOMOV: Provision of Installation, Upgrade and Maintenance Support Services for IMS Stations, on a Call-off Basis - CDGA, Enviroearth, Monitoring and Advisory Services, Nanometrics and Symetude
RFP No. 2018-0128/STOMOV: Information Management and Engineering Services on a Call-off Basis - ADDProject
ITB No. 2018-0122/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Rental and Optional Purchase of Geophysical Non-seismic Equipment # Part 2 - Mala Geoscience
RFQ No. 2018-0121/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Interior Design Services for the Permanent ESMF - Vasko
RFP No. 2018-0118/APYLOV: Replacement of Towers and Upgrade of Mesh Grounding System at IS36, Chatham Island, New Zealand - Kinemetrics
RFQ No. 2018-0117/JIBRIL: GigaStor Maintenance Services - Willtron
RFQ No. 2018-0105/CHAUDHRY: Construction of a Sampler for Subsurface Gases - Symetude
RFQ No. 2018-0104/CHAUDHRY: CISCO SNS 3515 (Replacement for ISE 3315) - Kapsch
RFQ No. 2018-0103/MAEDA: Filming, Editing & Production of Videos on the CTBT Verification Regime for a Public Audience - Digital Canopy
RFQ No. 2018-0102/CHAUDHRY: Services supporting a Feasibility Study on ATM and Weather Forecast required during an OSI - Michael Schoeppner
ITB No. 2018-0100/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Rental and Optional Purchase of Geophysical Non-seismic Equipment - Geomatrix Earth Science
RFQ No. 2018-0096/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Services relating to the Permitting Processes for the Storage and Handling of Radioactive Sources at the ESMF - Enco
RFP No. 2018-0095/JIBRIL: Professional Services and IT Support - ACP, Austria, Huemer, Austria
RFQ No. 2018-0093/RAHMAN: Maintenance Renewal for Matlab Licenses, 01 Jan-31 Dec 2019 - UNI Business
RFP No. 2018-0092/JIBRIL: SAP Services - Capgemini and Plaut
ITB No. 2018-0083/RAHMAN: Renewal of the Existing Subscription Licenses for Alfresco DMS Edition for 2019 - IT-Novum
ITB No. 2018-0080/CHAUDHRY: Design and Delivery of Hybrid Power Generator Systems for the BOO and for Field Equipment - Renovagen
RFP No. 2018-0075/JIBRIL: Enhancement of Web-Grape Internet based Services, on a Call-off Basis - Artal Technologies
RFQ No. 2018-0074/HASAN: Internal Fence Reconstruction and Shelter over Generator at IS13/RN19 Easter Island, Chile - SSC Space
ITB No. 2018-0072/MAHLEN: 4x4 Vehicle for AS30, Furi, Ethiopia - Kjaer
RFP No. 2018-0068/APYLOV: Establishment of Infrastructure and Provision of Services for RN55, Kayerkan, Russia - SIBES
RFQ No. 2018-0065/CHAUDHRY: OSI E-Learning Module Development for Ground and Airborne Visual Observation - Johannes Schneider Multimedia KG, Austria
RFP No. 2018-0064/JIBRIL: Provision of Software Engineering for Radionuclide Data Analysis - AWST and ISTI
RFQ No. 2018-0063/CHAUDHRY: Development of a System for Liquid Argon Scintillation - Khlopin
RFP No. 2018-0052/JIBRIL: Provision of Linux Support Services - Fujitsu
RFQ No. 2018-0043/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Blood Analysis System - Siemens
RFQ No. 2018-0040/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Heart Rate Monitoring System - Stryker Austria
RFQ No. 2018-0039/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Concept of Operation for the Transmission of Data between the Inspection Area and the Base of Operations for CTBT OSI - IDC Central Europe, Austria
RFP No. 2018-0038/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Base of Operations (BOO) Infrastructure, Furniture and Specialized Accessories, on a Call -off Basis - Norlense, Norway and LANCO, Germany
RFQ No. 2018-0036/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Design and Construction of an OSI Airborne Techniques Simulator - National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre
RFP No. 2018-0030/THORVALDSDOTTIR: Field Air Conditioners, Diesel Electric Heaters and Accessories, on a Call-off Basis - Dantherm AS
RFP No. 2018-0018/JIBRIL: Procurement, Installation and Configuration of Mirror Office Storage Array System 2018 - ACP IT Solutions GmbH
RFP No. 2018-0016/JIBRIL: Provision of Disk Capacity Expansion of Several Storage Systems - Atea A/S, Denmark
RFQ No. 2018-0010/CHAUDHRY: Development and Manufacture of an Atmospheric Air Sampler - West Systems SRL, Italy
RFP No. 2018-0009/RAHMAN: Provision of Software Engineering Services for Atmospheric Transport Modelling (ATM), Data Acquisition, Processing and Dissemination - AWST, Boreal Scientific Computing, ZAMG
RFQ No. 2018-0008/RAHMAN: Filming and Video Editing at ESMF, Seibersdorf - FFAB, Austria
RFP No. 2018-0002/RAHMAN: PTS Information Security Program Cybersecurity Awareness - ISP, LLC, USA
RFP No. 2017-0269/JIBRIL: Provision of Backup and Recovery Solution for the Office Automation Network - ACP IT Solutions GmbH, Austria
RFP No. 2017-0263/RAHMAN: Maintenance Services for the Data Centre UNIX-Based Servers and Systems for the period 2018-2021 - Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, Austria
RFP No. 2017-0145/MAEDA: Provision of Group Medical Insurance Plan - AWP H&L S.A. (Allianz), France
RFP No. 2017-0031/JIBRIL: Provision of Maintenance Services for the CTBTO Storage System for 2018-2021 - Bacher Systems EDV GmbH, Austria