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Employment with CTBTO

We are searching for top talent across the planet to join us in our mission to ban nuclear tests in all places and for all time.


Our People are Our Most Valuable Resource

The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is supported by a Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of approximately 300 staff members from over 90 countries who work at CTBTO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Our staff members are highly-skilled people who come from diverse backgrounds and are dedicated to our mission of ending nuclear tests.

Many of the jobs at the PTS require talented people with crucial scientific and technical skills. For example, we are looking for people to join us as seismologists as well as infrasound, radionuclide, and hydroacoustic experts, engineers, data analysts, software developers as well as an array of technicians.    

Other PTS staff work in a variety of non-technical fields to ensure that the activities of the Organization continue to run smoothly. These areas include administration, finance, procurement, human resources, information systems and technology, public information, legal affairs, external relations, and conference management.    

The CTBTO seeks candidates who have experience in multi-cultural environments where there is a strong respect for diversity.

In terms of language skills, CTBTO staff are typically multi-lingual. The further promotion of multilingualism within the PTS is important in terms of supporting multilateralism. To that end, staff members are encouraged to develop, improve, and certify their multilingual skills.  While the daily business of CTBTO is carried out in English, knowledge of other CTBTO official languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish) is considered an asset.   

Options for Working with Us

CTBTO offers a range of contract modalities for talented people to support our mission. All CTBTO staff must comply with the Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service, demonstrate the core values of CTBTO, which include Integrity, Professionalism, and Respect for Diversity, and are subject to CTBTO's Staff Regulations and Rules. Only nationals of CTBT States Signatories can be appointed to the CTBTO. Staff members will not normally be retained beyond the age of 65 years.  

Staff Categories and Contract Types

Posts in the Professional category demand a high level of analytical and communications skills, substantive expertise and managerial leadership ability. Professional staff members require an understanding of an organized body of theoretical knowledge at a level equivalent to that represented by a first level university degree. Within the Professional category, the Director category represents the highest level of the career staff structure.  


CTBTO may also employ consultants who have specific expertise not easily sourced within the PTS. The consultant should be a recognized authority or specialist in a particular field who is engaged under a temporary agreement and in an advisory capacity. The functions of a consultant are results-oriented and normally involve analyzing problems, facilitating seminars or training courses, preparing documents for conferences and meetings, or writing reports on the issues within their area of expertise on which their advice or assistance is sought. Consultants are limited to a maximum of 130 cumulative working days with the PTS and are not considered staff members.   

Temporary assistants (TA) are recruited to provide support to meet a temporary need for which service is required for a limited period of time. Temporary assistants are limited to a maximum of 130 cumulative working days with the PTS and are not considered staff members.   

CTBTO offers a limited number of internships based on anticipated needs. Prospective interns must be between the ages of 18 and 35, have completed at least two years of full-time study at a university or equivalent institution that will lead to the award of a degree, and have excellent command of written and spoken English. Interns are not considered staff members and are taken on only as and when the need arises.

General Service (GS) staff are usually locally recruited and carry out assignments ranging from general administration to technical, complex, and paraprofessional projects. The GS category encompasses jobs that support programme and process continuity and are central to efficient service delivery. The requirements for jobs in this category include knowledge gained through experience and familiarity with the procedures of the Organization. GS posts do not require academic qualifications at the level of a university degree. They are compensated on the basis of the best prevailing local conditions of employment salary scale for the GS category.   

CTBTO also recruits staff for short term appointments (STA) to assist in delivering a project or programme activities of a limited and distinct period of time or due to unforeseen increases in workload, new activities, conferences or some other reason with a maximum service period of 729 days.  


Due to the generosity of governments, there are opportunities for in-kind donations from States Signatories in the form of providing Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) or Cost-Free Experts (CFEs) for specific functions and needs. Learn more at the Donors Resources page


Staff and the expertise they possess are the organization’s most important resource. Due to the technical nature of the organization, most work opportunities are either in the scientific or technical fields.

Current Vacancies

In support of our mission to ban nuclear testing, CTBTO searches for top talent across gender, geography and generations.

The Provisional Technical Secretariat’s recruitment process looks to attract people from all over the world with a view to ensuring the highest standards of professional expertise, experience, efficiency, competency, and integrity. Recruitment is done on as wide a geographical basis possible and encourages applications from candidates from States Signatories that are under-represented or altogether non-represented.

The PTS is striving for the equal participation of both men and women at the CTBTO, especially in scientific and technical areas and at the professional and managerial level. Applications from qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged.

The CTBTO’s recruitment process is rigorous and competency-based. Check out the graphic below to learn how to navigate our recruitment process.   

See current vacancies

Tips for Applying

Here are some tips for creating and submitting your CTBTO application.

Make sure you follow CTBTO on LinkedIn and X to get the latest updates on vacancy announcements and virtual career fairs!

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