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Business Opportunities

RFP/RFQ/ITB Number Date Posted Title PDFs Closing Date
ITB No. 2025-0020/POLONSKAYA Call-Off Contract for Ground Transportation Service ITB No. 2025-0020/POLONSKAYA , Extension of Deadline to ITB No. 2025-0020/POLONSKAYA , Attachment 2 revised Price List to Extension of Deadline and Amendment to ITB No. 2025-0020/POLONSKAYA , Extension of Deadline and Amendment to ITB No. 2025-0020/POLONSKAYA (Attachment 1)
ITB No. 2025-0025/SANZ Call Off Contract for Field Clothing, Footwear, Equipment and Accessories ITB No. 2025-0025/SANZ
RFP No. 2025-0030/RICKARD CTBTO video platform - video streaming and archive platform, as per the attached Terms of Reference RFP No. 2025-0030/RICKARD
RFQ No. 2025-0049/POLONSKAYA Provision of A Mentoring Program for the IFE Inspection Team Leadership Group RFQ No. 2025-0049/POLONSKAYA
RFP No. 2025-0035/ALIMDJANOVA Provision of External Legal Services RFP No. 2025-0035/ALIMDJANOVA
ITB No. 2025-0033/JIBRIL Provision of RSA Hardware Replacement, Software Upgrade & Maintenance as per attached Specifications ITB No. 2025-0033/JIBRIL
RFP No. 2025-0037/POLONSKAYA Field Air Conditioner Maintenance Service Attachment - Price Schedule Form , Attachment - Evaluation Criteria and Method , RFP No. 2025-0037/POLONSKAYA