IFE14: Detecting the smoking gun – how voluntary contributions make a difference
Getting ready for a field day of noble gas sampling.
Sampling for underground radioactive noble gas.
This collaboration has been very successful. The instrumentation inside of the container is working quite well. We’ve been able to exercise many samples on the xenon system, and soon we’ll be exercising argon samples on the argon system.
Upon return from the field, all equipment and personnel is screened for contamination.
Inspection team and Inspected State Party (in red) jointly certify the samples' authenticity.
A total of nine countries plus the European Union have provided contributions in kind to IFE14: Canada, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. See complete list of equipment (PDF) provided as contributions in kind for IFE14.
Inspection team member Derek Haas connecting the pressurized bottles containing the gas samples to the lab equipment.
The Chinese-built argon-37 detector (left) and Swedish-built radioxenon device working hand in hand in a U.S.-built lab container.
IFE14 in Jordan will prove that CTBT on-site inspections are a viable deterrent against would-be Treaty violators. With a range of new techniques envisaged by the CTBT but never used before in on-site inspection-related tests and exercises, IFE14 will take our capabilities to a new level.
2 Dec 2014