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ISS Conference publication is nowavailable online!

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At the International Scientific Studies (ISS) Conference which took place in Vienna in June 2009, both individual scientists and groups of scientists from around the world presented over 200 posters covering all of the areas relevant to the verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This was the first time ever that such a comprehensive collection of scientific work related to the CTBT had been submitted. Many of the scientists closely involved in the ISS project have contributed articles to the ISS Conference publication, which offers their summaries and analyses of the issues presented and discussed at the Conference. The publication covers a number of important themes including the detection and location capabilities of the CTBT verification technologies and synergies between the different technologies. Some of the Treaty’s civil and scientific applications are also addressed, such as seismology’s role in disaster assessment, mitigation and research, the use of hydroacoustic data for marine mammal monitoring, and the use of infrasound data for volcanic source studies. In the concluding chapters, Harsh Gupta of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics discusses the importance of cooperation between the scientific community and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), and Evgeny Avrorin of the Russian Academy of Sciences talks about the nuclear renaissance and global security.

14 Oct 2009