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New International Monitoring System map launched

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) has launched a new map showing the current locations of its International Monitoring System (IMS) facilities, aimed at providing a more up-to-date representation of the IMS while also refreshing the design.

The map, which provides a snapshot of the IMS as of August 2021, reflects adjustments to the original coordinates that have been approved by the CTBTO Preparatory Commission since the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) opened for signature 25 years ago.

It replaces the previous printed map showing the original facility locations designated in the CTBT, and will be updated at future intervals as appropriate.

When complete, the IMS will consist of 337 facilities worldwide to monitor the planet for signs of nuclear explosions. Around 90 percent of the facilities are already up and running, using four state-of-the-art technologies: seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide.

An electronic copy of the IMS map in PDF format can be downloaded here.

18 Oct 2021