Homing in on the event
Seismic findings fine-tuned
The nascent CTBTO’s verification regime has thereby proven its ability to meet two important benchmarks required of it when the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) enters into force. Firstly, it issued the Reviewed Event Bulletin within the required timeline of 48 hours. And secondly, had the Treaty been in force, it would have cleared the way for an eventual on-site inspection by homing in on the event precisely enough to stay within the 1,000 km² to which on-site inspections are limited. In fact, the CTBTO’s initial findings have already fulfilled this requirement.
The final location estimate for the 2009 announced test (red) is more precise than for the 2006 test (green). The other two ellipses (blue and yellow) show two preliminary automatic location estimates for the event in 2009.
Sixty-one stations registered the May 25 event
61 stations registered the event.
“Waiting for the right winds to blow”
Click for ATM animation.
29 May 2009