Technical Meeting on SHI Software Engineering
This meeting will be held in hybrid format
Vienna International Centre
Vienna, Austria
17-18 June 2025
The working language will be English
This meeting allows States Signatories to learn about software development efforts at the IDC, with a focus on waveform technologies. Several efforts are ongoing to improve the software in use at the IDC, and NDC software shared with States Signatories via NDC-in-a-Box.
The PTS is currently in the implementation phase of the IDC SHI Reengineering program, which includes a large-scale effort to improve the SHI processing system, State of Heath, and the Analyst Interface. The goal remains to develop a modern, maintainable, and open-source SHI data processing system.
Meanwhile, several other software development efforts have led to improved IDC product distribution, NDC-in-a-Box (NIAB), routine data processing, and processing for Expert Technical Analysis.
This technical meeting allows experts to discuss such software updates in depth and provide review and feedback and will focus on:
- Reviewing the status of work on Reengineering, including progress updates, and discussion of the project plan, projected milestones, and updated deliverables;
- Updates on testing and use of NetVISA;
- Recent updates to SHI software applications in use at the PTS and in NDC-in-a-Box;
- Discussion of other software efforts to update and improve SHI processing.
Meeting participants are invited to contribute to the technical meeting by making a 20-minute presentation related to one of the following themes:
Theme 1 | Theme 2 | Theme 3 |
IDC Reengineering Project Status, Experiences of Alpha Testers Group, NDCs engagement with Reengineering. | Improvements of SHI processing, data product and distribution at the IDC | Technical and Scientific Ideas to improve SHI processing |
To be provided in due time
- Experts responsible for the software development for waveform monitoring at the National Data Centres.
- Experts involved in software development for environmental monitoring applications, particularly in waveform methods, including signal processing, user interfaces, database systems.
- Participants should have in-depth knowledge of at least one aspect of SHI data processing at the IDC.
Applicants are requested to visit our website and apply online latest by 15 April 2025.
Financial support may be available for a limited number of participants. Such assistance must be requested at the time of registration (by selecting the relevant box during online registration) and no later than 30 April 2025.
States Signatories wishing to nominate experts are requested to inform the Provisional Technical Secretariat (see Point of Contact) through their respective Permanent Mission.
Applicable for PTS-funded participants only
In accordance with the Staff Rules and Regulations and Administrative Directives, the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) will provide the following:
- A Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) that is sufficient to cover the related expenses during the technical meeting;
- The PTS travel agent will reserve, issue and forward the flight ticket to the participants for the most direct and economic route;
- Funded participants are not allowed to purchase their own tickets unless, under exceptional circumstances, be authorized to do so and only if this proves to be the most cost-effective option for the PTS;
- The PTS will book a hotel and cover the costs for the accommodation and technical meeting participants will receive their remaining Daily Subsistence Allowance upon arrival in Vienna; and
- Health insurance providing coverage for the duration of the technical meeting will be provided.
Requirement: Scanned passport copies.
Participants should apply for visas, if needed, at the corresponding Embassy/Consular Office upon receipt of an acceptance Note Verbale from the PTS, in order to ensure timely processing. The PTS will provide personal invitations to visa applicants.
Point of Contact
Capacity Building and Training Section, International Data Centre Division (IDC/CBT)
CTBTO Preparatory Commission
P.O. Box 1200, A-1400
Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 26030 6147
Email: [email protected]