Welcome to the beta version of the CTBTO multilingual site. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please email us at [email protected]

Status of Signature and Ratification


Total States



Total Signed



Total Ratified



Not Signed



Not Ratified

Latest State Signatory:



Latest Ratifying State:



Region State Signature Date Ratification Date
Latin America and the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda
Latin America and the Caribbean Argentina
Latin America and the Caribbean Bahamas
Latin America and the Caribbean Barbados
Latin America and the Caribbean Belize
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia
Latin America and the Caribbean Brazil
Latin America and the Caribbean Chile
Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia
Latin America and the Caribbean Costa Rica
Latin America and the Caribbean Cuba
Latin America and the Caribbean Dominica
Latin America and the Caribbean Dominican Republic
Latin America and the Caribbean Ecuador
Latin America and the Caribbean El Salvador
Latin America and the Caribbean Grenada
Latin America and the Caribbean Guatemala
Latin America and the Caribbean Guyana
Latin America and the Caribbean Haiti
Latin America and the Caribbean Honduras
Latin America and the Caribbean Jamaica
Latin America and the Caribbean Mexico
Latin America and the Caribbean Nicaragua
Latin America and the Caribbean Panama
Latin America and the Caribbean Paraguay
Latin America and the Caribbean Peru
Latin America and the Caribbean Saint Kitts and Nevis
Latin America and the Caribbean Saint Lucia
Latin America and the Caribbean Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Latin America and the Caribbean Suriname
Latin America and the Caribbean Trinidad & Tobago
Latin America and the Caribbean Uruguay
Latin America and the Caribbean Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)