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Statement from Dr. Robert Floyd Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Vienna, Austria 18 October 2023

Today’s decision by the State Duma of the Russian Federation to pass a law revoking Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is very disappointing and deeply regrettable.

This decision goes against renewed global determination to see the CTBT enter into force.

The mission to end nuclear testing enjoys near universal support. In the last two years, nine additional States have signed or ratified the CTBT, bringing the total number of signatures to 187 and ratifications to 178. I am confident this strong momentum will continue.

The Russian Federation has stated that revoking its ratification does not mean it is withdrawing from the CTBT and that it remains committed to the Treaty, including the operation of all CTBTO monitoring stations on its territory and the sharing of that data with all states. The Russian Federation has indicated that it will remain a member of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, with the same obligations and rights as all other States Signatories.

I continue to join the international community in calling on all States that have not ratified the Treaty, particularly those whose ratification is required for entry into force, to do so without delay.

This global community will not change course. We remain deeply committed to the mission of achieving a world without nuclear testing, a mission which is more important now than ever.


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) bans all nuclear explosions everywhere, by everyone, and for all time. Adherence to the Treaty is nearly universal, with 187 signatory states and 178 ratifying states. To enter into force, the Treaty must be ratified by all 44 States listed in its Annex 2, for which eight ratifications are still required.

The CTBT establishes an International Monitoring System (IMS) to ensure that no nuclear explosion goes undetected. Currently, 305 certified facilities – of a total of 337 when complete – are operating around the world, using four main technologies: seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide.

The data registered by the IMS has also been used for disaster mitigation such as earthquake monitoring and tsunami warning, as well as research into fields as diverse as whale migration, climate change and the prediction of monsoon rains. You can learn more about the Treaty and the Organization at www.ctbto.org and @CTBTO on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Further Information

For further information, please contact:
La Neice Collins
Senior Public Information Officer
T: +43 1 26030 6540
M: +43 699 1459 6540
Email: [email protected]